Wednesday, March 4, 2009

And so it begins...

My primary goal in starting this blog is to become popular enough to sell out. That is the real American dream.  Short of that I hope to ask some insightful questions so that maybe they get answered.  It may be a pipe dream, but I know for sure that my questions will not get answered if I don’t ask them.

The title of this blog stems from the queasy feeling I get when I read and watch the news that this can’t be real, the people in charge are not saying what they appear to be saying. It must be a joke; no one could go on national T.V. and say such ridiculous things. If this was real and they did say such things, surely the highly educated and sharp minds interviewing them would call them out right? That politicians and talking heads are able to spout nonsense, while facing no consequences, proves that what I am seeing cannot be real. Unfortunately I wake up the next day and it was all too real. Thus is the nature of the political theatre that we have come to accept in the U.S. today (and I suspect a good deal of the rest of the world).

I hope to ask questions that will make people think. Maybe I will be able to provide answers to other questions. In a perfect world I will be able to do this in an entertaining and approachable manner. If not, too bad, I’ve got a lot of free time.

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking forward to your questions and commentary!


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